Latest Contest Winners
SotW #9 Winner: Kronus

Pure Creativity :: The Artists' Ward :: The Arena :: The Colosseum :: SotW #9 Voting - View Topic
Topic Rating: *****
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Question: Which is best?
Users may vote for 1 option
Last edit: 3rd Jul 10 at 11:29am by webmaren
A[##########################################################] (4 Votes / 57%)
B[] (0 Votes / 0%)
C[###########################################] (3 Votes / 43%)
This topic was locked 3rd Jul 10 at 11:29am by webmaren
Arch Vizier
There's nothing wrong with red shirts.
Posts: 516
Gender: Male
Location: Maryland, USA
Class: Archmage, 2nd Degree
Points: 2,705
Reputation: 4
SotW #9 Voting (3rd Jul 10 at 11:29am UTC)
Vote for the signature that you think is the best out of these entries:

A: Image

B: Image

C: Image

Entrants are free to vote, and may vote for their own signatures if they feel that they are the best of the entries. Good luck to all of the entrants!

Arch Vizier
There's nothing wrong with red shirts.
Posts: 516
Gender: Male
Location: Maryland, USA
Class: Archmage, 2nd Degree
Points: 2,705
Reputation: 4
Re: SotW #9 Voting (11th Jul 10 at 1:11am UTC)
Congratulations, Kronus, on winning this SotW competition. You will receive 100 points and have your work featured in the board headers for a week.

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